Want to learn more about joining the Guelph CHC Client Advisory Committee?
Guelph CHC’s goal is to reduce barriers to health care. Client Advisory Committee (CAC) members help us do this by sharing their wisdom, gained through lived experience. Members also share their knowledge of community needs and their personal use of Guelph CHC’s programs and services. This includes insight into community trends and system wide barriers.
To apply:
Tell us about yourself! Complete the online application form here.
If you prefer a paper application, please email kcumming@guelphchc.ca to make arrangements to pick up an application. Completed paper applications can be returned to any of our locations (https://guelphchc.ca/contact).
If you have questions about the process please contact Karrie Cumming at kcumming@guelphchc.ca or call 519-821-6638 ext 268
Guelph CHC is also looking for members for two new Client Advisory Committees at Hive Health Services: 1) HIV and 2) Gender Affirming Care. Learn more about these opportunities.